
CMHA Halton earns Nonprofit Employer of Choice Award
Feb 9, 2024
We are proud to have earned the Nonprofit Employer of Choice Award that recognizes nonprofits whose exemplary talent management practices support successful mission delivery in the communities they serve. The award is based on our Leadership attributes, Human Resources practices, and employee opinions
“We’re very excited to announce the winners of the 2023 Nonprofit Employer of Choice™ award.” said Jeff Doran, president of Corporate Culture and Employer of Choice (CCEOC) Inc. “Post-pandemic, things are not status quo. These organizations continue to place their employees as their number one priority. They took the time to assess their operations and recognize their employees for all their hard work and sacrifice. My hat is off to all of these amazing nonprofits!” Doran says, “All winning nonprofits showed strong leadership qualities, particularly in the areas of building trust & respect, communication, and employee engagement.”
Thanks to our entire CMHA Halton team for making this a great place to work!