
CMHA partners to bring the National Suicide Crisis Helpline to Halton
Nov 30, 2023
A new 3-digit helpline can save lives across Canada.
The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Halton is a proud partner in the 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline, a new 24/7 national helpline for people across Canada who are in need of suicide prevention or emotional distress services for themselves or who are worried about someone they know. Our goal is to ensure that anyone who calls or texts the helpline will be listened to.
Our 9-8-8 responders support people with whatever they are experiencing, listen with compassion and without judgement, provide space to talk, and help people explore ways to keep safe in the moment when things feel too overwhelming.
CMHA Halton is part of the first cohort of a growing network of more than 40 experienced national crisis lines across the country that will provide culturally appropriate, lifesaving support to people who call or text 9-8-8.
9-8-8 is funded by the Government of Canada through the Public Health Agency of Canada and coordinated by The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health to ensure that this effort is truly national.
“As more people have been reaching out for crisis, mental health, and substance use support, it was critical that CMHA Halton raised our hand to be a part of serving communities across Canada,” says Rashaad Vahed, Chief Executive Officer. “Our goal is to meet people in their vulnerability and to prevent suicide by making it as simple as possible for people to get the immediate help they need when they need it.”
The launch of 9-8-8 on November 30th is a historic day where this country took a giant step forward to prioritize mental health and avert horrific losses to suicide, as well as the loss of peace that is felt by individuals, caregivers, and service providers who are also affected.
“As a local leader in community crisis, mental health, and addictions support, CMHA Halton is contributing our expertise to the 9-8-8 network while continuing to operate a full range of crisis services,” says Vahed. “We are proud to provide support that is informed by evidence, best practices, and especially the voices of people who have been affected to ensure that anyone, anywhere, can access the support they need.
“There is no wrong way to ask for help. Whether people reach out to 9-8-8 or a local crisis service such as our 24/7 Crisis Line (COAST) or mobile crisis service, someone will be there to provide support. And the right help in a crisis will save lives.”
How to get help from 9-8-8
Call or text 9-8-8 toll-free, anytime. Support will be provided in English or French.
Call 9-1-1 if there is an emergency where someone’s life is in danger and police, firefighters, or an ambulance are needed.