Our Programs and Services
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Crisis Services Counselling/Treatment Services Case Management Services
Concurrent Services Justice Services Peer Support Services
Groups, Workshops, and Webinars Information and Referral Services
Crisis Services
CMHA Halton is a proud partner in the 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline.
9-8-8 is a national helpline for anyone across Canada who is thinking about suicide or who is worried about someone they know. Call or text 9-8-8 toll-free, anytime for support in English and French. 9-8-8 responders are here to listen and provide help without judgement.
While 988 is focused on suicide prevention, no one who reaches out will be turned away. By calling or texting 988, you will connect with a trained responder who is ready to listen without judgement.
For more information about the 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline, visit

24/7 Crisis Line – COAST (Crisis Outreach and Support Team)
The 24/7 COAST Crisis Line is staffed by skilled workers who support individuals requiring crisis support. People who receive support over the crisis phone line tend to call in order to access supportive counselling and guidance in managing a life stressor, mental health symptoms, or struggles with substance use. Additionally, family members, caregivers and other community supports can access the crisis line for support and guidance on how to support someone experiencing a crisis.
During the engagement, a Crisis Intervention Worker completes an intake assessment, provides support and guidance, and helps develop a plan for intervention. Callers are often referred to community programs and agencies as needed, and ongoing additional telephone support will also be provided to individuals and families/caregivers as needed. The Crisis Intervention Worker also has the option to refer callers to the COAST Mobile Outreach Team.
For example, one person was struggling with how to cope with symptoms of depression and contacted our crisis line to discuss their challenge. The crisis worker listened to them, shared some coping strategies to help them manage the moment & provided some information for ongoing community supports.
Call COAST 24/7 at 1-877-825-9011.
Mobile Outreach Team – COAST (Crisis Outreach and Support Team)
The COAST Mobile Team is a collaboration between CMHA Halton and Halton Regional Police Services (HRPS). This team consists of a Crisis Intervention Specialist and a specially trained Police Officer. The team operates in the community and will respond to a residence, workplace, or any safe location to engage with individuals and caregivers to complete a risk assessment and mental status exam.
An individual in crisis or someone supporting an individual in crisis can request a mobile visit. The team assesses and triages the request and makes decisions to attend where there is evidence of escalating mental health symptoms, potential for aggression or violence, risk of harm, a vulnerable individual involved, or the potential need to attend hospital. Please Note: Assessment is done in-person and not over the phone.
The Mobile Team is not an emergency response team and those requesting visits must have the ability to wait for up to 24 hours. If you are in an immediate emergency, please contact 911.
The team is skilled in defusing crisis situations to help the individual remain safely within the community. Assessment information is used to develop a follow up plan that may involve connecting to additional community agencies. If the situation cannot be safely managed within the community, the team will assist the individual to hospital for further assessment and treatment.
Referrals: Self-referrals or caregiver referrals are made through the COAST 24/7 crisis line at 1-877-825-9011.
Crisis Outreach Program
The Crisis Outreach Program works with individuals encountering mental health and/or substance use challenges that require short-term stabilization following a recent hospitalization(s), require immediate mental health or substance use support, are facing a high risk of relapse, or who have active concerns related to risk of harm to others.
Referrals: Self-referrals are made by calling 905-693-4270. Health care professionals may make referrals by completing the Crisis Outreach Referral Form available here. The individual’s consent is required for referrals by health care professionals.
Safe Beds | Congregate Treatment Setting
The Safe Beds Program is a 24/7 community-based residential service for adults aged 16+ who are experiencing a mental health and/or substance use crisis and are in immediate contact with the Halton Region Police Service (HRPS).
The program uses a person-centered, collaborative approach to help people stabilize during their initial crisis and gain access to a multidisciplinary team. With the support of our team, they can connect to services and supports which address their longer-term health and wellbeing and work towards stable living in the community.
Referrals: Halton Regional Police Services (including mobile crisis teams) are the sole referral source into the Safe Beds program. Upon receiving a referral, staff complete a telephone interview and determine eligibility into the program. During the screening, staff will consider information regarding the current crisis, the person’s risk to self or others, previous stays at Safe Beds, and how we can meet current support needs. If a referred individual is determined not to be eligible, Safe Beds staff will assist with finding other resources that are the most appropriate for their need
Counselling/Treatment Services
Call-In Counselling
Single-session individual counselling is available over the phone or video conferencing Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm for individuals aged 16+. Later appointments are available upon request.
In-person service is available in Oakville on Wednesdays and in Milton on Thursdays.
Counsellors can provide support with immediate presenting concerns and assist with accessing relevant community resources and programs.
Please call 289-291-5396 to schedule a session.
One session not enough? You are welcome to call back more than once to schedule another session as needed.
Not sure if the service is right for you? We can provide support for a variety of concerns, including:
– Symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns
– Grief or loss
– Relationship issues
– Impact of trauma
– Difficulty dealing with change (e.g., work, relationship, move, etc.)
Referrals: Those interested can call the counselling number directly.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for Anxiety & Depression | Ontario Structured Psychotherapy
Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP) offers evidence-based cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and related approaches for individuals 15 years of age and older to help manage depression, anxiety, and anxiety-related conditions such as panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive concerns, posttraumatic stress and specific fears.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy-based services range from self-administered strategies with coaching support to weekly individual therapy with registered mental health professionals. Individuals are regularly monitored to ensure they are reaching standard program outcomes and that the program continues to meet their ongoing needs.
Inclusion into the program includes an intake and initial assessment to ensure that people are offered the level of service best suited to address their current challenges and support recovery.
Referrals: To register for OSP, please submit a referral form with the Lead agency in your area. Burlington residents can find referral info on the OSP West website. Residents from other areas of Halton can submit referrals through CarePoint Health.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Skills Groups and Workshops
Our Coping Skills for Change program of groups and psychoeducational workshops focuses on the DBT skills of Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
Click here to find out about upcoming groups and workshops.
Referrals: Self-referrals and referrals from health care professionals or caregivers for groups are submitted through one-Link via the referral form here. Registration for our 12-week Coping Skills for Change groups is a 2-step process and individuals are booked for screening interviews to determine group eligibility following referral. No referral is required for Coping Skills for Change workshops and individuals may register directly via the links here.
Case Management Services
Transitional Case Management
The Transitional Case Management program assists individuals who are experiencing significant mental health concerns by providing: service coordination, care planning, skill development and supportive counselling to support recovery. People are supported with their goals in areas such as life skills, housing, employment and managing symptoms.
Referrals: Self-referrals and referrals from health care professionals or caregivers are made through one-Link via the referral form here.
Dual Diagnosis Case Management Program
The Dual Diagnosis Case Management program assists individuals with both a developmental disorder and mental health concerns. The length of service ranges from 6-9 months.
Individuals are supported with their goals in areas such as life skills, housing, employment and symptom management. Family and/or caregivers are included in the care plan when appropriate. In addition, we assist with connection to Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) and navigation to developmental services.
While each care plan is individualized to meet each person’s needs, the following is an example of what support from the Dual Diagnosis Case Management program may look like: An individual diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and autism was referred to services with goals around symptom management and finding appropriate daytime activities. A Dual Diagnosis Case Manager compiled and submitted a Developmental Services Ontario application on their behalf and connected them to a low-cost counselling service and peer groups around mindfulness and anxiety management. The Case Manager continued to support the individual through the DSO acceptance process and assisted the individual in utilizing their Passport Funding to participate in a vocational program through Community Living. The individual was then warmly transferred to long-term service coordination through the DSO and Halton Support Services.
Referrals: Self-referrals and referrals from health care professionals or caregivers are made through one-Link via the referral form here.
Journey Together
This program is offered in collaboration with The Indigenous Network (TIN). TIN healers and elders support traditional approaches and practices while CMHA staff provide service coordination using a Western mental health lens.
Journey Together provides a complementary two-eyed approach, incorporating both the Indigenous ways of knowing and Western approaches. Examples of service coordination goals include life skills, housing, and employment.
Referrals: Self-referrals are made through TIN and/or by calling CMHA Halton at 905-693-4270.
Concurrent Services
Community Concurrent Disorders Program
CMHA Halton’s Community Concurrent Disorders Program (CCDP) offers integrated care to individuals experiencing mental health and substance use concerns. Support may include case management, psychotherapy, and access to a Registered Nurse.
A thorough assessment conducted at the initiation of service informs service direction, and support is individualized and the care team developed based on clients’ unique needs, strengths, and preferences.
Referrals: Self-referrals and referrals from health care professionals or caregivers are made through one-Link via the referral form here.
Justice Services
Our Justice Services programs offer support to individuals within the criminal justice system. Support is offered to those in custody and those who continue to have matters before the court while still living in the community. Depending on each individual situation, there are several different programs available to help you. This may include supporting you through the criminal justice system and helping you get connected to services in the community to improve your quality of life.
Court Support
Our Court Support program provides in-person support to individuals navigating the criminal justice system. Services are offered to those who have a mental health and/or substance use concern that predates their offence, and individuals may have the option to enter a diversion program or a specialized Mental Health Court. Those who receive this service may also be eligible for Post-Court Case Management services for continued support in the community after their court matters have been completed.
Referrals: Self-referrals and referrals from caregivers are made through calling our Intake Coordinator at 905-693-4270 or directly through the Court Support Team at Referrals from health care professionals and community services are made through the Court Support referral form here.
Post-Court Transition
Post-Court Transitional Case Management aims to assist individuals who are completing their court matters and live with a mental health and/or substance use concern.
This program focuses on recovery and improvement in quality of life with a focus on life skills development, housing needs, employment and symptom management. Goals are identified and worked on through service coordination, care planning, skill development and supportive counselling to promote recovery.
This program aims to help individuals connect to the services and supports that they need to improve their quality of life and reduce the likelihood of further involvement in the criminal justice system.
Referrals: Self-referrals and referrals from caregivers are made through calling our Intake Coordinator at 905-693-4270 or at
Release from Custody
Discharge planning is offered to individuals who are currently in custody at a correctional institution. Face-to-face support is offered to individuals currently being held at Maplehurst Correctional Complex and the Vanier Centre for Women.
Discharge planning involves helping an individual prepare for their release back into the community. In addition, community case management support is offered to individuals for 3 months after their release. Support includes service coordination, care planning, skill development and supportive counselling to promote recovery in areas such as life skills, housing, employment and symptom management.
This program aims to help individuals connect to the services and supports that they need to improve their quality of life and reduce the likelihood of further involvement in the criminal justice system.
Referrals: Self-referrals and referrals from caregivers are made through calling our Intake Coordinator at 905-693-4270 or at
Peer Support Services
If you would like to connect with someone who is walking their own recovery journey, you may wish to consider Peer Support.
Peer Support is a supportive approach between 2 or more people who share a common experience, such as mental and physical health challenges, substance use and/or other addictions. A peer support worker (Peer Mentor) has living experience and is trained to support others on their own personal journey. They will provide you with tips, strategies, and support to help you navigate your health and wellness in your own way.
Group programs are available weekly and additional short-term 1-on-1 support is also available upon request.
Referrals: Self-referrals are made by emailing A 15-minute phone call completes the registration process.
Click here for calendars and flyers.
Groups, Workshops, and Webinars
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Skills Groups and Workshops
Our Coping Skills for Change program of groups and psychoeducational workshops focuses on the DBT skills of Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
Click here to find out about upcoming groups and workshops.
Referrals: Self-referrals and referrals from health care professionals or caregivers for groups are submitted through one-Link via the referral form here. Registration for our 12-week Coping Skills for Change groups is a 2-step process and individuals are booked for screening interviews to determine group eligibility following referral. No referral is required for Coping Skills for Change workshops and individuals may register directly via the links here.
Structured Relapse Prevention Group
If you have moderate to severe substance use problems, are willing to work towards changing your use of alcohol or other drugs, and want to learn how to cope with daily substance use triggers, cravings and risk situations, this group is for you.
We will discuss various cognitive and behavioural approaches that address specific steps in the relapse process through goal-setting.
Referrals: Self-referrals are made by emailing to register.
We are proud to offer AFFIRM, an affirmative group for LGBTQ2S+ youth and adults that integrates identity affirmation with cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). AFFIRM is a 9-session group focused on reducing symptoms of depression and improving coping skills and sexual self-efficacy.
Referrals: Self-referrals are made by emailing to register.
AFFIRM is supported through the Oakville Community Foundation’s GIVEOakville program. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the MacDonald Family Foundation held at The Foundation.
Information & Referral Services
Our Information and Referral Service is the first point of contact to find:
- mental health, substance use, and addiction service information
- direction on finding the right provider
- support in completing referral information
- discussion of next steps based on needs and preferences.
To access support, please call our main office at 905-693-4270 and ask for our Intake Coordinator or email