If you are in crisis, call our 24/7 COAST Crisis Line at 1-877-825-9011. For Information and Referral, call 905-693-4270.

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With your donation to CMHA Halton Region Branch, you will help people get the support they need to live healthier lives. You may donate in general, to specific programs, or in memory or recognition of a loved one.

You may also make a convenient monthly gift by joining our “Mental Health Champions” Monthly Giving Club. Choose your giving level:

Friend: $30/month – you will help one person receive an hour of free walk-in counselling and learn to cope with challenges in healthy ways.

Ally: $50/month – you will help one person attend a group and develop strategies to get well and stay well.

Leader: $100/month – you will help one person take a course and learn to overcome problems, worry less, and live a happier life.



You may also complete and send in our donation form.

Interested in donating securities or mutual funds? You can do so through CanadaHelps. Visit their website here.

You may also support CMHA Halton Region Branch by arranging a gift in your estate. Choose us as a beneficiary in your will, name us as the owner and beneficiary of your life insurance policy, or donate your shares or mutual funds to us. Arranging a planned gift not only suits your current circumstances and financial goals, but it also assists CMHA Halton Region Branch to help people in our community through our support and health promotion services.

For more information on how you can create a permanent legacy to CMHA Halton Region Branch and leave a lasting impression, please consult with your estate planner or financial advisor and contact us for any information you require.

Your support of your friends and neighbours and your concern for mental health and addictions are very much appreciated.

For questions about a donation, please contact us at 1-877-693-4270 or donate@cmhahrb.ca

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