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Groups, Workshops & Webinars

For information on and a calendar of our Peer Support groups and workshops, please click here.

Coping Skills for Change 12-Week Groups

Free virtual or in-person groups to help you learn Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills of mindfulness, skills to improve your relationships, strategies to improve overall wellness, and how to cope with challenging emotions.

As this group is treatment-focused, not all individuals will be eligible. Some may have needs that are too complex to be treated within the program or fall outside the focus of the group. For a full list of inclusion/exclusion criteria, please click here. For those that fall outside of these criteria and are still interested in learning DBT skills, please consider registering for one of our Workshops below.

Choose one of two spring 2025 sessions:

Tuesdays, April 8 to June 24, 1:00 to 3:30 pm – in person at CMHA Halton, 1540 Cornwall Road, Oakville


Wednesdays, April 9 to June 25, 1:30 to 4:00 pm – virtual

Click here for a referral form or contact one-Link at one-link@haltonhealthcare.com or 905 338 4123.

Questions? Contact us at copingskills@cmhahrb.ca.

Coping Skills for Change Workshop Series

Coping Skills for Change offers Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) informed psychoeducational workshops in the four pillars of skills, including Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness.

We recommend, yet do not require, that people take workshops in a particular order, given that Mindfulness Skills are foundational to other skills.  If you are new to these skills, where possible, please consider beginning with Mindfulness, then Distress Tolerance, then Emotion Regulation and ending with Interpersonal Effectiveness.

NOTE: We have made changes to the way we offer these sessions. You can register for individual sessions within each pillar.

To register for the following 2.5-hour long workshops, please click the course dates below.

Mindfulness in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy – 2 sessions

Incorporating mindfulness in our day-to-day life has numerous benefits for our emotional and psychological wellbeing. This free, interactive workshop offers opportunities to learn and practice being more present in your own life and increase compassion for yourself and others.

Mindfulness in DBT Session 1

We will introduce core components of Mindfulness, including 3 states of Mind and the “What” skills of Observing, Describing, and Participating.

Check back for dates.

Mindfulness in DBT Session 2

We will continue with the fundamentals of Mindfulness in DBT and explore the “How” skills of mindfulness, including Non- judgmentally, One- Mindfully and Effectively, Mindfulness of Current Thoughts and Loving Kindness.

Thursday, March 27, 1:30 to 4:00 pm

Managing Emotional Crisis with Distress Tolerance Skills – 2 Sessions

Stressful situations are unavoidable when living a full, beautiful life, and learning to effectively manage emotions during triggers is essential. Join this free, 2-session interactive workshop to learn Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills to help manage distress in healthier ways, including tools to help us survive emotional crises and other challenges in our lives.

Distress Tolerance 1 – Surviving Emotional Crisis

We will learn a set of skills that work with our body to reduce the intensity of unpleasant emotions quickly, along with healthy, temporary distractions and soothing to help us avoid making the crisis worse. Learn more about how to bear pain in skillful ways.

Wednesday, April 2, 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

Distress Tolerance 2 – Reality Acceptance Skills

We will explore how we can learn how to reduce our sense of misery and suffering with skills that help us turn our mind towards accepting the painful realities of our lives to allow us to respond to life with greater effectiveness.

Wednesday, April 9, 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

Emotion Regulation- 3 Sessions

Emotions guide our lives but can sometimes be difficult to regulate. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills can help us reduce emotional suffering by teaching us to identify emotions and their purpose in our lives.

We offer 3 distinct sessions of interactive workshops that help us to learn ways to reduce our vulnerability to extreme emotions and change our emotional responses when our reactions are not effective.

Emotion Regulation Session 1

We will present the function of Emotions, bust myths that get in the way of our ability to regulate and introduce the Model of Emotions to help us understand what is shaping our emotional experiences in terms of our bodies, minds and urges.

Thursday, April 3, 1:30 to 4:00 pm

Emotion Regulation Session 2

We will review the skills to help us change our experience of unwanted emotions through Checking the Facts, Opposite Action and Problem Solving.

Thursday, April 10, 1:30 to 4:00 pm

Emotion Regulation Session 3

We will explore ways to build resilience and reduce our vulnerability to the impact of extreme emotions. We will review the ABC PLEASE skills to help us intentionally engage in pleasant activities and improve our confidence through viable challenges and values-based goals, while being mindful of our physical health.

Thursday, April 17, 1:30 to 4:00 pm

Interpersonal Effectiveness – 3 Sessions

Navigating social and interpersonal dynamics can be challenging.

These 3 free interactive sessions teach Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills to help us become more effective at asking for what we need while maintaining our self- respect. Topics include overcoming extremes in our thinking to approach life with a balanced perspective and the importance of validation in creating and maintaining healthy relationships.

Interpersonal Effectiveness 1

Through exploring Dialectics, the Middle Path and Validation, we will learn about the importance of finding the balance between extremes and the positive impact that validation can bring to ourselves and our relationships.

Thursday, April 24, 1:30 to 4:00 pm

Interpersonal Effectiveness 2

Our focus will be on addressing myths that may lead to challenges for our self-respect, relationships and needs getting met. We will discuss goals and priorities in relationships and ways to maintain dignity and align with values, using GIVE and FAST Skills.

Thursday, May 1, 1:30 to 4:00 pm

Interpersonal Effectiveness 3

We will learn about the factors and skills that impact asking for something or saying no to unwanted requests. DEARMAN is an assertive communication skill that will support us in meeting our objectives in our relationships.

Thursday, May 8, 1:30 to 4:00 pm

Structured Relapse Prevention Groups

4-Week Group

If you have moderate to severe substance use problems, are willing to work towards changing your use of alcohol or other drugs, and want to learn how to cope with daily substance use triggers, cravings and risk situations, this group is for you.

We will discuss various cognitive and behavioural approaches that address specific steps in the relapse process through goal-setting. TOPICS:

WEEK 1: Understanding Your Substance Use, WEEK 2: Triggers and Cravings, WEEK 3: Coping Skills, WEEK 4: Creating a plan

When: Mondays 2:00pm to 3:30 pm

Where: Virtual Zoom (registration required)

Please contact SRP at srp@cmhahrb.ca to find out about upcoming sessions and register.

Maintenance Group

This drop-in group is designed to support individuals who have completed the 4-week SRP program or
other treatment program. In this ongoing group, we provide a safe environment to reinforce coping strategies, share experiences and foster a sense of community, empowering each person to sustain their progress on the journey to recovery. Together, we will navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories, promoting lasting resilience and wellbeing.

Topics include understanding your substance use, connecting with peers, reinforcing and developing coping skills, managing triggers and cravings, creating and modifying goals and a plan, building resiliency, and positive reinforcement.

When: Wednesdays 1:00pm to 2:00 pm

Where: Virtual Zoom (registration required)

Please contact SRP at srp@cmhahrb.ca to register.

Caring Together: Family and Friends Group

This 4-session group will provide you with the opportunity to embark on a journey of understanding and empowerment as we explore vital topics to support family and friends of those facing addiction challenges.  This dynamic and interactive group will provide a safe space to share experiences, gain valuable knowledge and develop practical strategies for navigating the complexities of addiction.  Join us in building a community that understands, uplifts and empowers. Topics include intro to addiction, stages of change, understanding substances, boundaries, limit-setting, self-care, treatment options, building resiliency, community resources, and peer support.

When: Mondays 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Where: Virtual Zoom (registration required)

Please contact SRP at srp@cmhahrb.ca to register.


We are proud to offer AFFIRM, an affirmative group for LGBTQ2S+ youth and adults that integrates identity affirmation with cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). AFFIRM is a 4-session group focused on reducing symptoms of depression and improving coping skills and sexual self-efficacy.

Check back for upcoming dates.

AFFIRM is supported through the Oakville Community Foundation’s GIVEOakville program. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the MacDonald Family Foundation held at The Foundation.

Family Matters Program

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