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We Meant to Write this Sooner…

…but it all came down to the “p” word:


Delaying or putting something off. Think of waiting until the night before a test to study or leaving housecleaning until the day company is arriving. It pretty much boils down to avoiding something that needs to be done in the future in favour of something else we’d rather do in the present. We choose what we will get now instead of what we will get in the future.

For example, we have an assignment due in a week for a class we’re taking. While we know that starting it now will give us more time to complete it, we put it off. Watching a movie instead will be fun right now – an instant reward – while we won’t have the satisfaction of completing the assignment for a week – a delayed reward. So, we pick the instant reward over the delayed reward and watch a movie, maybe for a series of days.

By this point, we’re getting more anxious about the assignment with only a few days left to go until the due date. So, the reward of getting it done becomes more immediate – a few days in the future is closer than a week – and we may finally tackle the job.

Other than choosing an instant reward over a delayed one, what else can lead to procrastination?

Often, the procrastination or dread of a task is actually worse than doing the task itself. Think about how we feel and what we may say to ourselves while procrastinating: “I shouldn’t be doing this,” “Why am I so lazy?”, “How am I going to get this done on time?” All that takes a toll on our stress and anxiety levels.

So, what can we do to address procrastination? Here are a few tips:

Now to get to that housecleaning…


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