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The Cruelest Month?

Is January really as cruel as they say? For some, yes.

It is quite common to hear people talk about having the “January Blues” – low mood, decreased energy, and general malaise. Just not feeling like themselves. There are a number of reasons why we can get in a rut at this time of year:

While it is not unusual to experience mood changes as part of the January Blues, they are typically manageable, ease off after a few weeks, and don’t really disrupt our ability to live our daily lives. We can still go to school, go to work, care for our families, and do all the things we usually do, even if we’re a bit grumpier or down while doing them.

If, however, low mood and other symptoms like sleeping and/or eating changes, difficulty concentrating, crying, irritability, and feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or guilt last longer than a couple of weeks and interfere with us doing the things we would normally do, it could be a sign of depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression in which symptoms appear just during a particular season in the year, usually winter in our part of the world. These health conditions can affect anyone, and it’s important to take signs and symptoms seriously and get help early.

So, what can you do to stave off or cope with the January blues?

If you are concerned that you may be experiencing depression or SAD, talk to your healthcare we offer free walk-in counselling 4 days a week in Halton. No wait, no cost, no referral – just walk in and talk to a counsellor for an hour about any challenges that you are dealing with. We can help you find ways to improve your wellness, cope better, create positive solutions, and connect with others who can help. More details are available on our website here.

Just 154 days until summer…

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