CMHA Halton earns Nonprofit Employer of Choice Award
Feb 9th, 2024We are proud to have earned the Nonprofit Employer of Choice Award that recognizes nonprofits whose exemplary talent management practices support successful mission delivery in the communities they serve. The award is based…
Family-to-Family Caregiver Courses Coming up in March and April
Jan 12th, 2024A free 8-week course for caregivers of adults with mental health conditions. Learn to understand and support your loved one while maintaining your own well-being at this evidence-based education program…
CMHA highlights housing as a human right for Human Rights Day
Dec 10th, 2023Equality, justice, freedom, human dignity – these are the foundational rights enshrined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which celebrates its 75th anniversary on December 10. As the international…
CMHA partners to bring the National Suicide Crisis Helpline to Halton
Nov 30th, 2023A new 3-digit helpline can save lives across Canada. The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Halton is a proud partner in the 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline, a new 24/7 national…
Tips to maintain well-being for National Addictions Awareness Week
Nov 20th, 2023With the increasing complexity of the addictions landscape, it is a collective effort to support those at risk. That’s the message of this year’s National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW), an…
Winter 2024 Family-to-Family Education Program
Nov 14th, 2023We are excited to announce that our Family-to-Family education program for family caregivers is now open for Winter 2024 registration! Group will kick off the week of January 8 and…
The Real Impact of Consumption Treatment Services on Community Safety
Nov 8th, 2023The data is clear: consumption treatment services are not just neutral in their impact on community safety – they actively enhance it. Several studies have delved deep into the relationship…
The drug poisoning crisis in Ontario and the need for harm reduction
Nov 3rd, 2023Ontario is grappling with a deepening drug poisoning crisis. The harms related to unregulated opioids have seen a sharp uptick, with more emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and fatal overdoses. The…
Welcome to our new Board Chair, Jasvinder (Jessie) Singh
Oct 18th, 2023We are pleased to announce Jasvinder (Jessie) Singh as our new CMHA Halton Board Chair. Jessie has been part of the CMHA Halton Board of Directors since 2018 and has…
Coping Skills for Change: New Dates
Sep 1st, 2023Now available: New dates for Coping Skills for Change 12-week DBT skills groups and 2- and 3-session workshops on Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, and Distress Tolerance. Click here to learn more…
Free Call-In Counselling – 289-291-5396
Jul 17th, 2023Free individual counselling is available over the phone or video conferencing Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm for individuals aged 16+. Later appointments are available upon request….
We’ve improved our website!
Jun 28th, 2023You may notice some changes to our website. We have improved our navigation to make it easier for you to find the support and information you need. You can click…