Planning a psychologically safe return to the workplace
Jan 5th, 2021Post courtesy of CMHA National It’s been said many times, but we’ll say it again: working in the pandemic is not business as usual. Whatever your job, chances are you have had to make some adjustments. For many, that adjustment was moving…
Coming Up: Free Coping Skills for Change Groups
Jan 5th, 2021Coping Skills for Change is a free nine-week, virtual group to help you learn mindfulness, emotional and stress management, communication skills to improve relationships, and strategies to improve overall mental health…
It Begins With You
Jan 5th, 2021This blog is by our friend Denise Waligora with Mental Health First Aid Canada at the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Read more of their blogs at My last…
There isn’t an R in “Wellness”…or is there?
Jan 5th, 2021I recently read an excellent book called Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy written by Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, and Adam Grant. In it, Sheryl discusses…
The Origin of the Canadian Mental Health Association
Jan 5th, 2021The origins of community mental health in Canada It all started at afternoon tea. In Mrs. Dunlap’s drawing room. But first, some context: It was wartime, circa 1917, and…
Despair and suicidal feelings deepen as pandemic wears on
Dec 3rd, 2020New national survey finds Canadians’ mental health eroding Toronto, ON and Vancouver, BC (December 3, 2020) – The second wave of the pandemic has intensified feelings of stress and anxiety,…
“Opportunity”: A documentary of Dante’s recovery journey
Oct 9th, 2020Made-in-Halton film chronicles journey from prison to recovery “Most of my life was a lie…I might have believed it, but it was a lie.” That’s what 54-year old Oakville resident…
Now available: 2019-2020 Annual Report
Sep 11th, 2020Learn more about our 2019-2020 accomplishments in our Annual Report. Click here to check it out.
Most Ontarians fear second wave of COVID-19, worries linked to actions of others: CMHA poll
Aug 28th, 2020A new poll shows an overwhelming majority of Ontarians (84 per cent) remain concerned about the possibility of a second wave of COVID-19, primarily driven by worry of other people…
New CMHA toolkit supports employees, employers with planning psychologically-safe return to the workplace
Aug 20th, 2020As Ontario’s economy gradually re-opens during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new toolkit is now available to support employers and employees in navigating the mental health implications of returning to physical…
1:1 Conversation with Yourself
Aug 7th, 2020This blog is by our friend Denise Waligora with Mental Health First Aid Canada at the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Read more of their blogs at Well, the time…
Tips on how to #GetReal
Jul 16th, 2020Our staff and community pitched in with some great tips on how to #GetReal about mental health during CMHA Mental Health Week and every day and week of the year!…